1. An applicant for new service shall purchase application form at a rate that may be determined by the Company from an office within the district where the service is required.
2. The applicant will be required to provide the following information with/on the
application form:
3. Assistance may be sought from District Commercial Officers in completing the application form. Prospective
customers must know that it is an offence to provide wrong information on the application form.
4. On submission of the application form, staff of the company will undertake site inspection within five working days, after which the applicant will be advised on the feasibility or otherwise of a connection.
5. Where in its opinion the connection is not feasible, the Company's Connection Team
shall state the reasons thereof to the applicant.
6.Where the connection is feasible, the Company's Connection Team shall determine
the nearest point of connection to the service mains and provide the applicant with an estimate of the cost of connection within five
working days.
7. Cost estimate for new service connection does not cover application forms and deposit for domestic or commercial
connections which are all separate charges levied before the new connection is undertaken.
8. Details of the cost of connection must
9. Unless otherwise agreed by the Company
in a payment agreement, the applicant shall pay the total cost estimated by the Company before the connection is made.
10. Prospective
customers must obtain receipts for all payments.
11. The Company shall provide the service connection within ten working days
after the payment of the full cost or other sum agreed upon by both parties.
12. The maximum allowable length for new service
connection is 120 meters
13. Where an existing customer requests separate service or an extension to an existing service, such
a customer shall only pay for the workmanship and the additional materials required.
14. The Company shall not provide separate service or extension to an existing service that is in arrears.
15. Ownership of all mains shall be vested in the company.